This island, along with its counterpart Chaudiere Island, was heavily industrialized in the 19th century, and as anyone in Ottawa knows, Chaudiere Island still has the old EB Eddy plant (now Domtar) all over it. Most of the buildings on Victoria have been cleared away, but not all. And it's the remnants that fascinate. There's also an old log slide, still intact, passing through a valley, but pretty much hidden by foliage. But there's not much foliage in March so photos could be taken. Here's what we found along the way.
A tree slowly eats its name tag:
Right near the a First Nations pavilion was a weed that appropriately resembled a dream catcher:
One of the many water channels feeds this hydro dam. This channel runs alongside the rec. path that heads east from the War Museum.
A nice view eastwards, with quite a few Ottawa landmarks. From left, the Alexandra / Interprovincial Bridge (1901), the National Gallery (1988), St. Patrick's Basilica (1868), and the Parliament Buildings (1876 and 1916):
Andrea lends her support to the recently renovated Library building:
The Portage Bridge cuts across the island, so on the north side the path crosses out over the river using this cantilevered structure:
More trees eating things:
Another channel, this time on the north side, with the water being churned from an outlet of another small hydro station:
This building was put back to use as the Vertical Reality climbing gym:
To its left is another channel:
Over which goes this channel to the above-mentioned hydro station:
Back on the south side, off the rec. path channel is this closed gate for the log slide:
Opposite side:
And it continues along the valley: