Hi Mark,
Great website! So much interesting stuff to see. I wanted to email you to let you know that discovering your site last Spring inspired me tremendously and set me on the road to building myself a bike utility trailer! I'd wanted to buy one but discovered that they are very expensive and somewhat hard to find. So I decided to find out if I could build one, did some web searching for ideas and came upon your site and plans.
The excitement! I was instantly bent on making one, and set about following the instructions you'd laid out. At this point I would like to say thank you very much for the details, the photos, everything you provided to make your plans so user friendly. I bookmarked the page with the plans for the bigger bike trailer, and referenced it, as well as those for the cargo trailer, (and oohed and aahed with my boyfriend at the cargo trike) many, many times.

She then talked about building the trailer, and how she'll eventually build a box instead of just the flatbed, finishing with:
To cap off my letter, another thank you for the ideas and inspiration! I'm
super excited to use my new hauler and happy to remain car-free :)
Well, you're very welcome Sasha! I've had many inquiries about the trailer over the years, which led me to add more construction details to its page. And then when I built the big trailer I was able to do the photo documentation, which helps a lot. But this is the first instance of someone actually completing one and sending me photos, so thanks for that.
(My old roommate Rob recently built one, which I've seen but not yet taken photos of. He borrowed my bender for it, and got it on the road a month or so ago.)
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