Been meaning to add these to my website, but why not toss 'em up here?

Lends new meaning to the term "bike shoes" (but are they clipless?)

Hoop Bike in Toronto. Photo by Vic Gedris.

Bike Gate.

This local ladybug bike makes me nostalgic for both Bee Bike and Cow Bike, so I've added pics of them below.

Yes, that's a mix of black and yellow electrical tape. Bee Bike's frame ended up being a little too flexy for me (just a cheap Raleigh Gran Prix), so it was donated to

I found Cow Bike at re-Cycles and had to have her, and set it up as a basic city bike set up with only 6 speeds. She was stolen from my front porch - my first bike theft. There was a milk crate on the rear rack (quite apropos for a Cow Bike, no?), and the lock went through the crate and around a post. The thief actually somehow melted the area of the crate around the lock to get the bike free!
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